Being green is a choice
OLOS represents the change we want to see in the world. A world that we respect; just like we respect you and your skin.
Pack to the future
Opaque bottles
Clear bottles
Plastic jars
Glass bottles and jars
Cases and interiors
Seals on the cases
External packaging
Paper receipts
Secondary packaging for transport
We are working with LifeGate to reduce our impact
OLOS, thanks to the partnership with LIFEGATE, has chosen to implement concrete actions to reduce the environmental impact and offset the CO2 emissions attributable to the production of packaging for face and body products dedicated to the consumer.
In three years OLOS has generated a total of 55,586 kg of CO2 emissions, which have been offset by financing certified projects for the protection of the climate and the environment in Madagascar.
With this initiative OLOS has contributed to the conservation and protection of an area of 48,661 sqm, with approximately 7,486 trees.
The steps that OLOS followed to join this project were:
- the study of a lightweight packaging, made with recycled and recyclable raw materials;
- the estimate of greenhouse gas emissions generated by the packaging with a scientific method based on the life cycle assessment (LCA);
- the offsetting of the calculated emissions, with the purchase of carbon credits generated through interventions to create and protect growing forests in Madagascar.
Sustainable from start to finish
Our products seek the best from nature, without disturbing it.

Vegan Friendly

Responsible agriculture and fair trade

Green chemistry

Natural ingredients

Certified natural fragrances

Bio-sensory cosmetics

Free from
Promotional materials
Sustainability is a responsibility and choice that goes beyond the cosmetic product and also impacts everything that revolves around the product's life cycle. That is why, when it comes to creating brochures, displays, gadgets, etc. OLOS makes sure to prioritise the use of recycled, recyclable, and environmentally friendly materials (paper and cardboard, wood, plastic, etc.) as well as paints and inks with low environmental impact. OLOS also takes measures to reduce packaging materials.
Towards a zero‑impact website
OLOS has contributed to the creation and protection of 346 sqm of growing wooded areas in the Ticino Park to offset, in 5 years, 864 kg of CO2 generated by its annual internet traffic.
We are also working to turn the OLOS website into a zero-impact platform: we will take measures to compensate for the CO2 emissions generated by each click.